
Too much!

There has been too much to do lately, and not enough time to BLOG about it. My last very short blog was from the day that many of us lost a friend to cancer. She was young, with small children, a loving husband, and a wonder family, and it is just not fair! I have gone over it in my head a million times, and I just don't get it.
The day after the funeral I flew to Austin Tx to do a taping for the American Cancer Society(ACS). I was very nervous, but I drew from my anger towards cancer and the loving memories of the two friends I have lost to cancer in the last year, and did best the I could! I hope that all my fundraising and support for the ACS brings hope and life to others!
Now in the next 2 months I hope to raise about $16,000 dollars to reach my goal of $20,000! Thanks to those of you who have already supported the ACS through our Relay for Life team, and if you haven't yet, but you would like to, go to www.acsevents.org/lincolnne and click on my name in the top right corner and make a donation! We all know someone who is fighting cancer or has lost their life to cancer...please help us find a cure!
What am I thankful for?! Memorial Day weekend and all the love and memories that come with it, lawnchairs in the driveway, children laughing, and rest.


Anonymous said...

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."

- Christopher Reeve -

You have definitely been this for so many folks. For all those who read and talk about Tracy's blog, I would encourage you to support Tracy in reaching her $20,000 goal. When she reaches her goal that would mean the Lancaster County would retain 60% for more awareness, patient services, prevention and early detection. The remaining 40% would go to national research that touches thousands all over the country, but us in Lincoln would benefit as well (Tracy and I both have as survivors). So, thanks for supporting Tracy and Relay for Life in their quest to defeat cancer!


Anonymous said...

See you haven't blogged in a while. Hope your doing well! Stay strong!